When purchasing items from merchants online, you want to be assured that your credit card information is safe. I was recently a victim of online fraud, and fortunately my bank was able to credit the transaction and replace my card with a new account number (since the charges were recurring). This process is frustrating and can put a significant dent in your account until your bank figures out how to best deal with it.
Here are some quick tips and recommendations for making sure your online transactions are safe and secure. Note: This doesn't cover EVERY possible transaction, so be sure you read the fine print before processing payment with ANY unfamiliar merchant!
- Once you are asked to enter payment info has a secured (SSL) feature. An easy way to check this is to look at your browser bar and make sure it begins with https, not http.
- Look for verified merchant credentials such as Verisign, usually on the home page.
- Be skeptical of miles of agreement forms. Those lengthy forms can contain 3rd parties (such as safedebits.com) that will be given consent to charge you a fee (sometimes upwards of hundreds of dollars) in order to process your transaction.
For more info on risk of frauds and scams on Craigslist and eBay, check out the following links from the Geeks:
Does Craigslist Need Better Regulation?
Fraud and Scams on Craigslist Pt. 2
Social Media and Influencer Marketing Manager
1 month ago
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