In honor of April Fools Day, I thought I'd share a retail site that really took advantage of this opportunity.
Whole Foods - also known as Whole Paycheck - has been notorious for charging a premium on their organic products. They have decided to poke some fun at themselves on their
home page, offering "Organic Air" in a 0.02-oz spray bottle for $6.99, with scents such as Mountain Air, and Salt & Vinegar. But that is just one of the many playful anecdotes they gave visitors to their site.

The recent spider controversy was also elaborated upon, with the retailer offering "one free spider with every 50-lb. purchase of organic bananas." They even offered playful recipes such as Toast and Chianti-Gorgonzola Popsicles. Now if you click on these fake items, you will be taken to actual foods and products that are being offered through their store.
What I really like about this is that the retailer has found a way to poke fun at themselves - in a twisted Onion-style sort of approach. This is good because it shows how a corporate retailer can have a sense of humor. It grabs your attention and piques curiosity. That is what every landing page should do. Does yours?
Happy April Fools Day!